The New (ab)Normal - May 30, 2020

With so much uncertainty and fear during the current pandemic, what is life gonna be like when the shelter-in-place order is lifted?

It is SFCAC's pleasure to have Dr. Sam Leong with us for a conversation about dealing with our fears and anxiety during this time, especially in the upcoming season after shelter-in-place. You are invited and feel free to invite others.  RSVP by contacting Pastor Jonathan.

Also there will be a question and answer time.  If you have a question, please go ahead and include your question to your RSVP reply.  Confidentiality will be respected and we will give the question to Dr. Leong anonymously.

The event will take place on Saturday, May 30 at 10am over Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to everyone who RSVPs.

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