An Update from Pastor Sam re: COVID-19

An Update from Pastor Sam in response to COVID-19 (as of March 11)

SFCAC will continue the live-stream of our worship services this coming Sunday 3/15: The Bridge (English) service at 9:15am; Cantonese service at 11:00am; and Mandarin service (pre-recorded) at 11:00am.  The respective live-stream links will be provided shortly.

Meanwhile, our sanctuary in the Main building will be open for physical attendance of the worship services at 9:15am (English only) and 11:00am (Cantonese only), if you so choose. All attendants will be required to practice social distancing and take appropriate safety measures such as putting on masks.  In addition, we will ask attendants to sign in and fill out basic information for the purpose of tracking, if needed. 

We recommend the following to stay at home:
- Those who are not feeling well
- Those who have underlying physical conditions or constraints
- Those who are not ready to attend the church services
- Those who belong to high-risk/vulnerable populations (people 60 years old and older; people with certain health conditions; or women who are pregnant or were pregnant in the last two weeks)

If you are having problems accessing the livestream, please call SFCAC office if you need assistance for the live-stream.

For The Bridge (English congregation), 2nd Hour classes have been cancelled.  As for Chinese Sunday School, fellowships, life groups, and others meetings and activities, their resumption will depend on the situation and nature of the gathering. Respective fellowship, life group, and ministry leaders will decide whether to gather physically, online, or both.  Should activities be held at SFCAC, the above hygienic measures are recommended. 

Please share and pray with other brothers and sisters.  There are 15 cases confirmed in San Francisco as of today.  Let’s pray for the healing of the patients and for the Gospel and God’s light to shine throughout our community. Nothing can separate us from the love of God.

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,  nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39 ESV)

In Christ alone,
Rev. Sam Yat Sing Lai