A COVID-19 Update from Pastor Sam (3/16/2020)

3/16/2020 Update from Rev. Sam Lai on COVID-19

Dear SFCAC family,

I appreciate your prayers, care and support for the SFCAC family, the greater Body of Christ, and the nations in the face of the rapidly changing situation due to COVID-19. Today, the San Francisco city government issued a Public Health Order requiring that residents remain in place, with the only exception being for essential needs effective 12am tomorrow. In other words, everyone is required to stay home and only allowed to go out for essential needs. The SFCAC family will pray for all of you to have strength, health and wisdom in these trying times.

We also would like to provide help to the elderly and others who may be in need of groceries and/or assistance with other errands. Please let the staff know if you know of anyone with these needs. Likewise, let our church office know if you could join us in providing this help.

Also, in light of this new order, starting tomorrow, SFCAC will only provide online worship services. The sanctuary will be closed until further notice. Likewise, all other activities such as prayer meetings and fellowships will only be held through online platform without physical attendance until further notice. SFCAC staff will work from home effective immediately.

If you have any inquires and/or needs of assistance, please contact our individual staff or Rev. Sam Lai instead of the church office.

Psalms 42:5 (The Message)
Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?
Why are you crying the blues?
Fix my eyes on God—
soon I’ll be praising again.
He puts a smile on my face.
He’s my God.

Grace & peace,

Rev. Sam Lai
Senior Pastor